Friday, December 9, 2011

GO Green with Envy

GIMME GIMME...your tailor's number and your shoes

The outfit the inspired them all
Here's the man repeller in an excellent green JEAN jacket JOY

Little blue-green, work that up-do
3.1 Phillip Lim or should I say Phillip YUM

"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore"
I feel as though a Kardashian would own these monstrosities, therefore they are dead to me.

Green is all over da place and since green is my favorite color I'm very pleased to post this.  Bright green accessories are the perfect outfit pick me ups, especially in deary winter weather.  I posted the greatest outfit I've ever seen from Gary Pepper Vintage and added pictures of green things I have collected over the years.  I'd die for these green critters I pictured above, I would just love to buy a green birkin with the money I'm saving to purchase a new car or maybe my next paycheck can go to these Mui Mui shoes I have dreams about, instead of my cat's vet bills and my fictitious plan to move out of my mother house nail beds suck. 

Photo Cred: Gary Pepper Vintage, Man Repeller, and glamour tumblr 

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