Thursday, January 12, 2012

Eggplant and Goat cheese treat

Love in a time of cholera

First snow fall of the season

It's mid January
Grapefruit Season

East Berlin

You should know I have an animal obsession, I like dogs more than people and bunnies more than carbs.  You should also know I don't do work at work (that much anyway) and I have time to peruse the Want Ad Digest Catalog online for creatures.  Now, I'm not in the market for pets; however, I love looking at the cute puppies.  I was at about page ten when I came across this gem.  I should mention Want Ad Digest is a local ad company and people usually put up three cell phone photos of the pets, taken somewhere in upstate New York.  BUT NOT THIS PHOTO...I think were in West Berlin here?  I mean Christ, what kind of dog is that and why isn't this photo in Nat Geo after the fall of the Berlin wall.  Needless to say I saved it and I sorta love it and here it is.