Monday, November 21, 2011

Nature Sunday

November has been awesomely warm upstate, making it perfect for Sunday funday nature excursions.  This week I decided to visit a Peace pagoda and a lake in Grafton, New York.
Where are we? Oh just road tripping to Tibet.
Walking in Nature
Hotel Monastery

Me at the Peace Pagoda, sitting like a bodhi
Loving life! Am I really near Troy?

Grafton Lake
Row Boats, sadly awaiting winter

Note: This Peace Pagoda was built by Jun Yasuda, who belongs to the Nipponzan Myohoji order. Back in 1978, she walked from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. with Native Americans as part of the "longest walk," a coordinated peace movement. And since then, she's walked cross-country several time in the name of peace. In 1983, she was offered a parcel of land in Grafton, N.Y. and two years later, work got underway on a monument for peace.  It was built by volunteers through many donations. The Grafton Peace Pagoda was dedicated in 1993 and it's been attracting visitors from around the world ever since.Source

Nicole Richie

Photo Cred: Just Jared