Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Crispness

Fall colors in my driveway


Mogul enjoying the brisk fall weather

Pumpkins looking festive on a truck

Which one will I pick?

Puppy cousins backyard swimming

Pumpkin blood

DIY fall hats

Artsy cider doughnut

Apples I picked at my house
I craved a kitty cat!

Olive Oil Pumpkin Bread (recipe to come)

Mogul and his new leash

Colors over Lake George

Tom and Mogul at the top of Buck Mtn

Toasted pumpkin seeds

Patty Pan squash we grew

Chowder fest with my brother and vicky

Emerson Fall: Palette Perfection

Imagines via honestlywtf

Instagram Favorites

Instagrams I can't get enough of at the moment... these are all kind of outdoorsy, woodsy, artsy and bohemian obviously creative; slightly corky! Enjoy

1.) Stone_fox_bride
2.) Tigerinajar
3.) Awelltraveledwomen
4.) PennyWeight
5.) Natgeo & Patagonia (staples)
6.) Humansofny
7.) Anne_Parker

Summer in a Nut

Hey ya'll it sure has been awhile, it's been a very busy six months but I'm back and here are some fleeting summer pictures.  So these are more August and September then summer, but hey it ain't over til it's over!
We flew to new places, what up block island we love ya!

We ate burgers and liked it!

We watched sunsets over farms

We ate home grown heirloom tomatoes and swooned

We got our hands dirty farming with new chickens and a new puppy

We enjoyed summer catches 
We bet on horses, drank champagne and stole NFL coaches booths

We moved out and moved in!

We have chandeliers like Jay Gatsby 

We biked our butts off, logged 3500 miles on my odometer 
We walked church street like college freshman

We wished we had a book on north east flora and fauna 

We saw Grace Potter on Lake Champlain