Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Prosciutto from La Portos. JOY
Old buildings

Pretty light and cold toes

Enjoy Troy

Alumni Hockey Game
Paradoxical Pair
Gore Mountain
Hubba Hubba
Friends on the lift!
Uncle Pat and the ripper

Whattttt attractive scenery.

Ahhhhhh, my favorite part of the day.
Ski bums with unsuccessful goggle tans, yet successfully dreadful hair.
Oh ya, bitch is 50.
"This is beautiful to me" in reference to a pizza.
New old stuff!

Mr Regal. Being Regal.

Out with the Rabbit...

....In with the Dragon, Happy New Year China!! I can't believe I didn't have yesterday and today off...since I work with the whole continent of Asia.  Any who, here are some AWE-fully inspiring photos in honor of  the Chinese new year. NE-HAO

Photo Cred:  Time, Honestly WTF, National Geographic, Pakayla Biehn Photography and Oracle Fox