Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Weekenders. Christmas in photos

Happy Holidaze...never want this season to end.

My Mom's Engaged!!!!! To the cat.

Shotgun wedding.

CATmas morning
It's a wonderful life

Hunter got a born from Santa
Chairlift Frame

Father, asleep on xmas day, as per usual
JOY to the world

Now he's happy to be shopping!
Because I just didn't consume enough calories over the weekend.

Love 40

Photo Cred: Maria Claire Italia November 2011  (Love Tennis Love Italia)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Three Wise Women.

Merry Christmas ya flithy animals!  I had a great christmas eve eve last night and this message on the 
bathroom wall pretty much somes it up.

Three wise women!

Friday, December 23, 2011

JCrew Lambs

Here are some outfit inspirations for the holidaze festivities, via the adorable prepsters that are JCrew...love ya wish I could afford ya.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Baking cookies and the dog gets flour on his head.
Ginger people unite
Only Megan is allowed to decorate, because mine were too sloppy
So I drank and ate my mistakes
OHHH joy, here's the cookie nazi herself
Cookie nazi makes Megan a slave, "no over there in the bald spot, no a little higher"
Cookie nazi gives Megan an acorn ornament, demands a photograph be taken.

Blue Crush

Photo Cred: Oracle Fox & Billabong Hawaii